Thursday, April 30, 2009

Daily Blog - April 30, 2009 Part 2

I've decided that I will gather my own herbs to level up my inscription to 150, instead of buying flowers from the auction house. In order to do this though I will need my level 33 Rogue to start picking flowers. I'm going to drop mining and get the herbalism profession. Even with my Rogue though, I'll eventually be venturing into territory that has mobs that are a little higher than myself (Stranglethorn Vale). I suppose I'll just have to be carefull. Also, maybe I'll actually be able to raise my Rogue's levels. It's been awhile since I've been in an area where killing things actually gave my Rogue experience. This will be another thing that probably takes a long time. I'm just glad my Rogue has a horse so I can get around much faster. This game takes forever, but that's why I love it!

Daily Blog - April 30, 2009

I raised my enchanting skill to 150 last night for my Mage. In the process of doing that, I also raised my Druid' leather working to 106 and my Warlock's tailoring to 149. It's really cheap to make items through those two professions and then disenchant them. Now I move on to raising my inscription profession to 150. Currently it's at 103. This looks like it's going to be the most expensive thing to do as I need a lot of flowers to make pigments. The flowers I need now are in areas that are too high of a level to go collect with any of my characters that currently have herbalism. That leaves me with going to the auction house. When I saw the prices to make lion's ink my jaw dropped. I think the lowest price I saw was 35s per flower, which would mean I would have to fork over at least 1g 75s just to make 1-2 of the necessary pigments. I'm hoping that once I finally do this and create a major glyph that I can sell it for some type of profit. I briefly viewed the prices of some of the glyphs on the auction house and did notice that they were going for pretty hefty prices. So maybe once I get started things will move along a little easier. I see the high prices, but I just wonder if they actually sell.....

The Rockets play tonight so I won't get much playing time in, but hopefully I can continue leveling my inscription towards 150.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daily Blog - April 29, 2009

Turned in my Lighthouse quests for my Warrior and finally dinged level 18.

So then I moved on to my Mage who is currently level 16. My current goals for my mage:

1. Level enchanting to 150 (currently 131)
2. Level inscription to 150 (currently 101)
3. Level fishing to 150 (currently 1)
4. Level first aid to 150 (currently 79)
5. Update Mage's gear
6. Level Mage to 18

I actually worked on leveling my enchanting yesterday for a couple of hours. It sure is expensive! I went out to the auction house to buy items to disenchant which I suppose wasn't too expensive. I only bought low level items, all less than 30 silver. I also figured out I can make embossed leather gloves with my Druid which only cost 3 light leather and send it to my Mage to disenchant. This was much less expensive. I probably bought over 100 light leather from the auction house for only a few gold and made a crap load of these gloves and also leveled my leather working for my Druid in the process. This sounds like a pretty good money making strategy since the dusts go for pretty good money at the auction house and light leather is generally pretty cheap.

The only bad thing is that I will usually enchant vellums and try and sell them at the auction house. It doesn't seem like many people care for lower level enchants so I don't make any money off of them.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish leveling my enchanting this evening.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Daily Blog - April 28, 2009

Quested with my Warrior for an hour or so and still haven't dinged level 18 yet. Working on the 3 light house quests. I've finished the flask of oil and the old murloc quest (not sure if that's the actual name) and now working on the one that has you killing all sorts of murlocs. Man does that one take a long time. You have to go all the way up the coast to get them all. All I have left is the coast runner which is the lowest level. Died several times so far as I got caught up with too many murlocs at once. I miss my Rogue where I can just dissapear and run away to avoid getting killed and losing all my buffs.

I may have some time tonight before the Rockets play to get to level 18.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Daily Blog - April 27, 2009

Played my Warrior over the weekend and got my first aid up to 150 so I'm done with leveling my secondary skills, although I did notice that I can actually go up to 225 now... I think that was a change with patch 3.1. I thought you had to be level 20 to be able to get your skill higher than 150. Oh well, I'm not going to spend too much time trying to level up my secondary skills to 225 right now. My next step was to buy some upgraded weapons/armor from the auction house. Most of my stuff was already pretty good so I didn't have to spend much money here. My next step is to level my Warrior to 18 (he is currently at 16). I did some quests in Westfall and a couple of Blacksmithing quests that had me journying from Loch Modan to Redridge and I am now at level 17. I've tried my new fighting technique for the Warrior and it has worked well. I'm slicing and dicing through all the mobs.

This is the way I fight with my Warrior:
Battle Shout (if it's not up already)
Rend (DOT)
Sunder Armor
Rend again if the mob is still alive (usually it is not)

I'm not that great at fighting multiple mobs but it did happen on occasion. Usually I would do basically the same thing but I would throw in a Thunderclap and Shield Block. I died once when a couple of mobs spawned during a fight with two others (I hate when that happens).

I've pretty much completed all the quests in Westfall, except for the Deadmines and the Lighthouse quests. I'm not sure if I can do the Deadmines quests yet. I know I can't go into the instance at level 16, but I think I would also have problems just going into the starting area as well. I may try it. Most likely I'll go over to the lighthouse and get those quests. That'll probably put me at level 18.

Once I get to level 18, I'll go get my new skills and then move on to my next character, Dotsmadafor, who is my Human Frost Mage.

I should be able to play some tonight since the Rockets aren't on. Go Rockets!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Daily Blog - April 24, 2009

Played a little last night and got my Warrior's fishing skill up to 150. Was about to work on my first aid, but the wool cloth was too expensive at the auction house. I don't have 1 gold to my name right now so I put some stuff up for auction. I got a new mod yesterday; auctionlite. Pretty nice. The price it suggests undercuts the lowest price currently out there which isn't very good. I'm sure there's a way to adjust this, but I haven't looked at that closely. I just tweeked the price myself. Hopefully tonight I'll have a little more money to buy wool cloth or I may decided to save my money and go out a farm with my level 33 Rogue.

Trying to figure out how to get my camera to zoom out further than the default. I found a script and a console command online that is supposed to do it. I tried both and neither worked. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. I'm still a nb when it comes to that type of stuff.

I'll probably only play a little tonight since the Rockets are playing. Hopefully they win!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daily Blog - April 23, 2009

Played my Warrior (Dotsmadathre) for an hour or so last night. Leveled my blacksmithing to the current max (150) and also got my fishing to around 115 in Redridge. Will probably do the same tonight. I should be able to level my fishing to 150 and then work on my first aid which is currently at 87. I think I'm pretty low on gold for all my characters so I'll probably just have my Rogue farm wool over in Westfall, near Dagger Hills. I doubt I'll be able to accomplish both of those goals tonight though. It's slow going.....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily Blog - April 22, 2009

Only got in about 30 minutes of paytime before watching a disapointing Rockets game. Currently trying to level my blacksmithing up to 150 for my Warrior. Went to buy copper bars at the auction house but the price was a rediculous 4-5 gold per stack. I may go as high as 1-2 gold per stack but 5 is outrageous. Anyway, I had to go out and crack some rocks with my Rogue. Got quite a bit in Westfall and sent it to my Warrior. That's where I stopped.

Oh yeah, had to spend more time redistributing my talent points for the second time this week. Getting a little anoying....

There are no basketball games to watch tonight so maybe I'll play some more. Shouldn't take too long to level my blacksmithing from 142 to 150. Then I'll level my fishing to 150 which will take some time since I'm only at 1 right now.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Daily Blog - April 21, 2009

What I would like to do is give a short journal entry every day on what I did the previous day for my characters. I admit now that I won't be able to do this every day. Maybe I'll skip weekends I don't know.

Since patch 3.1 I've only played sparingly. Things I have done are re-allocating my talent points since they were taken away and setting up my action bars since they were messed up with the new patch. I also have looked at a few characters so far to see if there were any new skills that I could acquire. I found one for my Paladin that I could not buy before the patch.

I am currently in the process of leveling up my secondary skills as high as possible. Sounds boring, I know, but that's the way I like to do things. Very systematic. I've already leveled up fishing, cooking and first aid up to 150 for my Priest and Shaman and currently I'm working on my Warrior. I've leveled up my cooking to 150 already. I am also going to level up blacksmithing to 150, but it is already up to 142, so it shouldn't take long. Usually I'll try to buy supplies form the auction house to level up if the prices are reasonable. If not then I will usually take my level 33 Rogue and start gathering the items I need.

After I level my secondary skills and blacksmithing to 150 I will then level my Warrior to 18. I'm interested to see if the information I received online on how to use the different skills will help me. Before I was doing it totally wrong and I didn't dominate mobs like I thought I should.

Probably won't play tonight though since my Rockets are playing in the NBA playoffs. Oh well, sometimes WoW has to wait.

Introduction - Dotsmadanin

Dotsmadanin is my Drasnein Beastmaster Hunter. He is level 16 and his professions are Jewelcrafting and skinning. It really stinks to have to go all the way back to the Drasnein starting location to level up Jewelcrafting, but oh well.

Introduction - Dotsmadaeit

Dotsmadaeit is my Drasnien Enchancement Shaman. He is level 16 and is a gatherer like my Rogue. He mines and picks flowers. Not a very good combination considering you need to locate both on your map. I think I'll probably change mining to skinning at some point. A lot of my characters already crack rocks. I've also already used my other professions and I think it's pointless to have two blacksmiths or leatherworkers, etc.

Introduction - Dotsamdasev

Dotsmadasev is my Human Shadow Priest. He is also currently level 16 and professions are Alchemy and Herbalism. Alchemy is probably the most boring profession. Not enough recipes. For some reason I can't stand picking flowers either. I much rather skin and beat on rocks for some reason. At first I thought my Priest was one of the weakest characters I had and I had a lot of trouble trying to level up. After doing a little research and figuring out how to use my skills in battle the Priest became my most entertaining player to play.

Introduction - Dotsmadasix

Dotsmadasix is my Night Elf Balance Druid. He is currently level 16 and is a leather worker and skinner. Right now he's one of my least favorite characters. Turning into a bear isn't really that interesting. Maybe the other animals will be better once I get to a higher level.

Introduction - Dotsmadafiv

Dotsmadafiv is my Human Demonology Warlock. He is currently level 16 and his professions are tailoring and skinning.

Introduction - Dotsmadafor

Dotsmadafor is my Human Frost Mage. He is currently level 16 and is my Enchanter and Inscripter.

Introduction - Dotsmadathre

Dotsmadathre is my Human Protection Warrior. He is level 16 and his profession is Blacksmithing/Mining. The Warrior so far seems to be difficult to get used to, as far as combat is concerned. Probably just because I don't play him as much and have not gotten used to all of his skills. I've recently found information online that provided a good gameplan on combat and will use it once I start playing my Warrior again. It looked complicated but will probably be fun once I get a hang of it.

(You may have noticed that I've used all humans so far. That's because I'm used to the starting area and figure I could level up faster. It does get somewhat boring, but each character is unique so it adds a little flavor. It's also fun to see which class is the easiest to fight with.)

Introduction - Dotsmadato

Dotsmadato is my Human Combat Rogue. He is currently level 33 and is my favorite character to play so far. He's a gatherer (mining/skinning) and makes a lot of money for my other characters in the auction house.

Introduction - Dotsmada

First of all, I've named all my characters Dotsmada with each subsequent character Dotsmadato, Dotsmadathre, etc. I know it's not very creative, but it's easy for me to keep up with them this way.

Dotsmada is my first character that I created. It is a human Retribution Paladin and he is currently at level 20. His professions are Engineering and Mining.

First Post - (General) April 21, 2009

I'm creating a blog to chronicle my adventures in the greatest game ever made, World of Warcraft. I purchased WoW back in December of 2008 and have been playing pretty regularly since then. I can't play 8 hours a day as I do have a job and a family to take care of, but I try to play when I get a chance. Right now the NBA playoffs are on so I have not played much. I have been trying to find a blog out there that gives me a daily (or almost daily) update of their WoW characters. I think it would be fun to follow along. There are probably a lot out there, but I just don't know how to find them. Anyways, I decided to one for myself.

I currently play in the realm Fizzcrank and have 9 characters from each class, all aliance. I don't have a level 55 character yet so I can't make a Death Knight. I really enjoy playing every class since they are all unique, that's why I created all 9, all with pretty much different professions. I will introduce my characters in my next several posts.