Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blog - August 10, 2010

Haven't posted in 4 months. Took a little time off WoW for a while, but started back up about a month ago. Don't play every night, but probably a few times a week. I've finished leveling my Mage to 30 which was a boring process. The Mage is one of my least favorite characters, but I grinded and finally got it done.

Next was my Warlock. I quickly got him up to 30 in Duskwood and the Wetlands. I really enjoyed playing my Warlock. I like the mechanics behind the life drain, life tap and soul drain. If I used those abilities appropriately then there was very little down time.

I guess since I was really enjoying the pet class I went ahead and moved to my Hunter instead of going to my dismall Druid. I'm working in Redridge now with my Hunter and have leveled to 22 so far. Althought he mechanics are different I'm still enjoying the Hunter class. There is very little down time and I can take on quite a few mobs at once.

One other note I would like to mention is I've been reading up on Cataclysm and the changes that will take place. I'm very excited about the additional flight points and the streamlining of the leveling process. It appears that the different zones now are specific to 5 levels instead of some zones overlapping. For example right now I've been following this recipe:
Elwynn Forest

It would be really nice to take out the Wetlands from this equation and I think that is what Cataclysm will do. The Wetlands is just too far away for me. Once I get done with Duskwood, I would like to just go to Stranglethorn. Right now though it's too difficult to go there when I'm about level 27 or 28 after completing Duskwood.

I can't wait for Cataclysm to come out. With the new class/race changes I may restart some of my non-human toons. I believe the Druid is the only one that cannot be Human. For some reason I'm partial to Humans. :)