Friday, April 24, 2009

Daily Blog - April 24, 2009

Played a little last night and got my Warrior's fishing skill up to 150. Was about to work on my first aid, but the wool cloth was too expensive at the auction house. I don't have 1 gold to my name right now so I put some stuff up for auction. I got a new mod yesterday; auctionlite. Pretty nice. The price it suggests undercuts the lowest price currently out there which isn't very good. I'm sure there's a way to adjust this, but I haven't looked at that closely. I just tweeked the price myself. Hopefully tonight I'll have a little more money to buy wool cloth or I may decided to save my money and go out a farm with my level 33 Rogue.

Trying to figure out how to get my camera to zoom out further than the default. I found a script and a console command online that is supposed to do it. I tried both and neither worked. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. I'm still a nb when it comes to that type of stuff.

I'll probably only play a little tonight since the Rockets are playing. Hopefully they win!

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